One of the main events for this particular Comic Con was a cosplay competition called Jim Henson’s Creature Shop Challenge Live: The Dark Crystal Cosplay. For this contest, contestants needed to create outfits and designs based on the world of The Dark Crystal franchise.
The winners were a family of four, and, in my opinion, their two young children wore the most adorable costumes I’ve seen throughout this entire convention.
As everyone started applauding the very talented family, my thoughts were focused on the children, who, while obviously a little camera shy, were still excited enough to wildly smile and even act out on stage as the characters they dressed as, playful forest warriors. Maybe that was just them being children, but their happy faces and their reactions to the cheering crowd brought warmth to my heart. I imagined that the biggest prize those kids really won was the chance to become a part of the show they loved, and get a sense of the work the creators of that show put in.
All photos taken by Jose Cardenas.